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Report Discusses Teaching with Technology - In Which Percentile Are You?

It should come as no surprise that the results of a recent Pew Research poll of middle and secondary teachers across the United States showed that the use of digital technology has become an integral part of their teaching method.
Fully 92% of polled teachers admit the Internet has had a major impact on how they access classroom material. Almost half report using an e-reader or tablet to complete classroom assignments.

Perhaps more surprising is the number of educators willing to allow students to do research in the classroom with the cellphone. Apparently undaunted by fears of cell phone interruption or distracted students (or maybe just trying to make a virtue of necessity), 52% of teachers in upper and middle-class districts and 35% of teachers with lower income kids let them work on their assignments with smartphones.

Interestingly enough 42% of teachers thought their students knew and understood more about technology than they did. For real, or just a continuation of the urban cliche that the young are more familiar than adults with computers, phones and tablets? A mere 18% felt they knew more about technology than their students.If true, those last two percentages indicate that a problem exists in the educational system producing our teachers.
Perhaps the teaching colleges should put more emphasis on courses using digital educational tools like computers and tablets before students become too aware of their perceived superiority in these things.

Although the Pew Report doesn’t mention robots, we hope soon to see them appear on reports like this.
Nothing inspires students to learn math and technology like a robot, not computers, not cell phones, not even tablets.Nothing so engages their young minds as building, programming and controlling a robot.
We invite teaching colleges and teachers to take a look at the benefits of our RobotLAB BOX as an inspiring latest EdTech instruction-tool, designed with committed teachers in mind.


  • Dec 4, 2013 6:00:00 PM
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