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The A.I. LAB

A Step Beyond STEM

STEM Is For Today, AI LAB Is for Tomorrow



NomineeSeal24     Finalists


Education In The Age of AI

The AI LAB is a turnkey, state-of-the-art modular learning space designed to enable students rotation between the AI Stations. Each configuration includes more than 1,000 instructional hours and provides learners with practical hands-on activities exposing them to multiple disciplines and various scenarios in which artificial intelligence takes control of our lives. It gives students a unique and rich learning experience to ensure that they are ready for their careers, college, and life-in-the-2030s.

Our main job as education professionals is to prepare our students for the future. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already transformed our lives drastically. From car manufacturing and medicine search, to autonomous driving, sports game highlights, and hotel descriptions - all are automated, AI enabled, computer-generated texts these days.

As fascinating as this is today, this is just the beginning. More and more fields will be dominated by AI in the upcoming years.

Although no one knows what exactly this future will bring, and how it will look (70% of the jobs in 10 years have not been invented yet!), we know that AI will be dominant in this future. So students better be ready to master it.

What Is AI LAB by RobotLAB?

An AI Lab is a turnkey, fully customizable package for your school! Whether you are looking to renovate, enhance, improve, or kickstart your STEM, STEAM, or STREAM program, an AI Lab is the perfect package to fit your curriculum needs. We will work with you every step of the way to make sure your educational goals are met.

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education


Choose From Pre-Configured Labs Or Create Your Own:


Elementary AI LAB

Intro to AI
First steps with Artificial Intelligence
Designed to expose students to basic concepts in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Coding

AI-Stations Included in this bundle:

  • Intro to Robotics 
  • Intro to Coding 
  • Intro to VR/AR
  • Intro to Engineering 
  • Intro to Space Exploration

  • VR Lab
  • AI-Enabled Full-Size Humanoid Robot

K12 Consultation

University AI LAB

Mastering AI
Developing the next-gen Artificial Intelligence
Designed to enable research and development of world-class, breakthrough, Artificial Intelligent applications

AI-Stations Included in this bundle:

  • Intelligent Autonomous Agents
  • Smart Warehouse
  • Tele Operation
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Smart Farming

  • Cognitive Chatbot
  • AI-Enabled Full-Size Humanoid Robot
Higher-Ed Consultation


See Examples of Higher-Ed AI-Stations

See Examples of K-12 AI-Stations


Your Success Is Paramount To Us!

AI Labs are the most efficient way to get your STREAM program going with ease! Our modular design ensures that students will learn a variety of skills, stay enthusiastic about learning, and develop their creative interest.

Curriculum and robots are fully customizable to your needs and your space

RobotLAB offers a variety of robots to choose from and hand-crafted stations ideal for any learning stage, whether it be elementary school, middle school, high school, or higher education.

We take care of procurement, installation, and shipping for almost the entire space*

It’s as simple as:
1. Connect with one of our sales team
2. Provide details about the space, including use-case and educational goals
3. Learning how to use the robots and programs yourself!

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education


AI + Stations = AI LAB

The rich selection of AI Stations allows you to configure an AI LAB that matches your students' levels and needs. 


AI Stations

We offer multiple options including product or curriculum-only all the way to complete deployment, including furniture, networking and backup equipment, and even school-branded materials.

Training and support for teachers is always included, regardless of the package size.

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education

Some of our partners:

SoftBank Robotics
Google Expeditions
Furhat Robotics
Rethink robotics

The AI LAB by RobotLAB is the next generation of STEM Learning Centers.

It converts generic STEM concepts to real-life experiences, which put artificial intelligence in the center of learning. Developed by the students, the AI is used to control smart cars and drones, automate production lines, design human-robot interactions, and even take them to space exploration where robots must make decisions autonomously, without a hot-link to a human operator many millions of miles away.

The lab is built from AI-Stations, each themed around a subject that puts artificial intelligence in the center.


The AI LAB is designed to enable students to rotate between the AI Stations, exposing them to multiple disciplines and various scenarios where artificial intelligence takes control of our lives. This gives the students an unparalleled and rich experience to ensure that they are ready for their careers, college, and life-in-the-2030s.

It includes all instructional materials, apparatus, software, and equipment necessary to accommodate a class size of your choice. It’s a complete system of integrated materials, furnishings, and curricula that provides a platform for the investigation of AI / STEM principles and practices through an integrated series of real-life context-based technological learning experiences using robots.


Example of K-12 AI-Stations In The AI LAB

Intro to Engineering Station


Intro to Engineering station is an excellent resource to
teach younger students concepts of robotics. These kits
promote problem solving skills and creativity.

Subjects covered:

Basic Engineering concepts, building robots, gears, linear and
angular motion, sensors, motors, rigid and flexible designs,
control and enforcement mechanisms in software and

What's included?

  • Robot kits
  • Assembly and building instructions
  • Tablets
  • AIO Computers
  • Software
  • Associated lessons

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education



Projected Reality Station

ELEMENTARY AI LAB - Projected Reality Station

It is an exciting, new learning tool that opens up a world of possibilities, by bridging the gap between abstract science concepts a real life hands-on experiences using sand and projected reality technology. Have your students manipulate the sand to let lava flow, oceans swirl, grass grow and bubbles blow! It also helps younger students learn about colors and numbers and how to draw and explore their surroundings.

Subjects covered:

A revolutionary and interactive educational solution that brings
Science to life with fully interactive and dynamic hands-on
activities using virtual 3D worlds

What's included?

  • 1 Projected Reality Station
  • 1 Teacher Tablet
  • Software preloaded
  • Curriculum (aligned with NGSS)
  • Onsite Installation and Training
  • 1-year Warranty and RobotLAB Support

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education

PRS Students-1

Intro to Coding


Intro to coding Station takes programmable robots, web-based lessons and a Drag and Drop interface to start kids programming quickly. Dash & Dot are responsive robots packed full of capabilities that allow them to interact with students, their environment, and
each other thanks to their multiple built-in motors, sensors, LEDs
and audio capabilities.

Subjects covered:

Story Telling, making connections between reality and digital objects, block-based programming, problem solving, creativity, scope and sequence, applied robotics in math and geometry, motion, collaboration, game design and the basics of human-robot interaction.

What's included?

  • Mobile and stationary robots
  • Accessories
  • AIO Computers
  • Tablets
  • Software
  • Lessons

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education


Humanoid Robotics Station


NAO is the perfect robot to spark curiosity in students and is a versatile product for teaching story telling, math concepts, and countless creative projects. A virtual robot allows students to test their projects before presenting to their peers. Programming languages include a drag & drop interface, Java, Python and C++

Subjects covered:

Introduction to Humanoid Robots, game design, human robot interface, story telling, visual perception (face detection, face recognition, object detection and recognition), tactile sensing, Synchronous Motion, Math and Trigonometric functions, Logic,
and Problem Solving.

What's included?

  • Humanoid Robots
  • Docking Stations
  • AIO Computers
  • Software
  • Lessons
  • 1-year warranty
  • RobotLAB support

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education


Smart transportation Station

ELEMENTARY AI LAB - INTRO TO Smart Transportation Station

Smart Transportation Station gives students the opportunity to foster concepts of the present and future and navigate through obstacles while utilizing basic programming languages. Students use sensors, controllers and programming logic with Drones. Zumi is an excellent way to practice programming with AI using these fun self driving cars.

Subjects covered:

INavigation, collision avoidance, self-driving, self-parking, calculating torque, solving a maze, thrust gravity, flight basics and flight control.

What's included?

  • Drones
  • Rovers
  • 1 Driving School Mat
  • AIO Computers
  • Software
  • Lessons
  • Onsite installation
  • Training
  • 1-year warranty
  • RobotLAB support

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education


Industry 4.0 Station


Industry 4.0 station is the best way to teach smart warehouse concepts from an early age. Students first become comfortable with basic lessons such as drawing, Picking up objects, then into more advanced lessons in sorting using a vision kit, conveyor belts and sliding rails.

Subjects covered:

Warehouse Automation, Sorting and Stacking, Visual Sensing, Assembly Lines, Process Automation and optimization, Data Analysis and collaborative robotics.

What's included?

  • Robotic arms
  •  Vision Kit
  • Conveyor belts
  • Sliding Rail
  • Arduino AI Kits
  • AIO computers

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education

Makers with Dobot

Example of Higher-Ed AI-Stations In The AI LAB


Students will learn principles of how AI can assist with warehouse
automation, sorting and stacking, visual sensing, assembly lines, process automation and optimization, data analysis and collaborative robotics, and more!

This station can contain a combination of robotic arms, automation accessories like conveyors or sliding rails, vision KIT, different software options, PLC, and more! The goal of this station is to educate the students on how AI plays a role in the 4th industrial revolution and get a hands on experience through the variety of tools made available by RobotLAB

What's included? 

  • Robot arms
  • Sliding rail
  • Conveyor belts
  • Vision kits
  • Software
  • PLC'S
  • 1 year warranty
  • RobotLAB support


Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education

Industry 4.0 -AI LAB



The Humanoid Robotics station will teach students principles of how AI can assist with multi-agent systems, learning transfer, task decomposition, reinforced learning, ad hoc autonomous agent teams, machine learning, robot vision, coding with  python and other programming languages, chatbots,  bipedal robotics, and

The goal of this station is to teach students how humanoids can come in different shapes and sizes as well as the advantages of each body shape (bipedal vs. on wheels for example). Furthermore it shows how to use these robots in a constructive way playing to the strengths that the robot’s humanoid form brings.

What's included?

  • Humanoid robots
  • Software
  • Development support
  • 1-year warranty
  • RobotLAB support

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education

pepper school-1


Teaches AI in the form of chatbots providing intro platforms like Google Dialog Flow, Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, and IBM Watson. It shows how chatbots can influence interaction when presented in different forms, such as interacting with Siri on your phone as opposed  to interacting with  a social robot like Furhat.

The HRI station will prepare your students for careers 
in psychology, robot assisted therapy, research, human resources or business administration, chatbot architecture, and more!

What's included? 

  • Humanoid robots
  • AIO computersDevelopment support
  • Software
  • 1-year warranty
  • RobotLAB support

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education



The underwater robotics station shows how AI can be implemented not only in your lab but beneath the surface as well. The underwater robotics station will teach computer vision, underwater navigation, localization, buoyancy, high stability, inertia, hull  resistance, efficient  propulsion, torque,  collaborative robotics, and more! 

The underwater robotics station will prepare students to go into careers such as marine biology, logistics, search and rescue, research, aquaculture, water & energy, and more!

What's included?

  • Aquatic robot
  • Sensors
  • Gripper
  • Development support1-year warranty
  • RobotLAB support

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education

Blueye X3 underwater-1


This station shows how AI can be implemented on mobile platforms. This station will cover robot vision, localization, inertia, torque, collaborative robotics, SMART farming, SMART warehouse, industrial robotics, rapid secondary development,  SMART transportation, off road mobility, autonomous  navigation, and limitless other  possibilities.

This station will prepare your students for careers in SMART warehouse, SMART farming, industrial automation, search and rescue, oil, power, and other manufacturing environments.

What's included?

  • Your choice of autonomous mobile
  • PlatformSensors
  • Choice of end-effectors
  • Vision package
  • Development support
  • 1-year warranty
  • RobotLAB support

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education



This station will cover robot vision, localization, inertia, torque, collaborative robotics, SMART farming, industrial robotics, rapid secondary development, SMART transportation, off road mobility, autonomous navigation, what are the advantages of quadrupeds and other possibilities

This station will prepare your students for careers in search and rescue, manufacturing, robotics, engineering, science, construction, logistics, and more!

What's included?  

  • Your choice of quadruped robot
  • Sensors
  • Choice of end-effectors
  • Software
  • Development support
  • 1-year warranty
  • RobotLAB support

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In K-12

Curriculum Overview For AI Lab In Higher Education


Full Customization

Choose the right configuration for you and your budget.

We understand that each project is unique and will do our best to tailor your AI LAB to your needs.

Let your educators teach the future of America while we take care of the rest! Each configuration includes more than 1,000 instructional hours and provides learners with practical hands-on activities exposing them to multiple disciplines and various scenarios in which artificial intelligence takes control of our lives. Give your students a unique and rich learning experience that prepares them for their careers, college, and life-in-the-2030s.


Works With Every Budget

Our Specialists can accommodate your constraints such as available space, number of students and available funding.

K12 Consultation

Higher-Ed Consultation

Let our team make your dream a reality!

We ship AI LABs globally, and our team will be there, on-site, to install configure the deploy the lab.

Once ready, we will invite your team on a comprehensive training session that will ensure everyone involved is ready to teach with the great AI tools you purchased.





Success  AI LAB Stories in Higher Education

Saint Leo University, one of the top ranked nonprofit universities in Florida, in partnership with RobotLAB, the leading educational robotics company, partnered to build an artificial intelligence and robotics lab on its residential campus in Pasco County, FL. 

Dr. Derek Mohammad, dean of Saint Leo University’s School of Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Data Science, is looking forward to the launch of the new Bachelor of Science program in Robotics and AI for which this lab is an essential component.

“We are pleased to introduce a new robotics lab for students pursuing bachelor’s degrees in robotics and artificial intelligence,” said Mohammed. “Equipped with robots of all kinds and computers, the lab will provide students with the hands-on experience they need to prepare for careers in this high-demand and growing field.”

RobotLAB Saint Leo-75    RobotLAB Saint Leo-113

Success  AI LAB Stories in K-12


Northeast Guilford- Guilford County Schools                                                    Kearns Academy- Guilford County Schools