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Meet Pepper the Robot: ‘We recognize that we need to be able to bridge that communication gap’

By Sydney Dawes  X-Logo

Pepper Robot MontgomeryPepper arrived at Stillwater Center in Montgomery County in January. Photo courtesy of Stillwater Center.

The newest member of Stillwater Center’s team can speak multiple languages, double-check dosage information for patients and lead story time for children at the facility.

This new addition to Stillwater also stands at four feet tall and is made of metal and plastic.

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Service And Delivery Robots to Aid the Labor Shortages. Bring Automation to Help!


We all heard about the labor shortages that are affecting every aspect of our country in our economy, especially when it comes to the service, food, and hospitality industries. 

Without enough employees,  companies will only be able to complete a limited number of projects, robots are essentially not replacing individuals, not replacing employees, they are here to augment the people that are working. They are here to automate the mundane tasks that humans should not do! Check the video below and learn how. 


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