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Service And Delivery Robots to Aid the Labor Shortages. Bring Automation to Help!


We all heard about the labor shortages that are affecting every aspect of our country in our economy, especially when it comes to the service, food, and hospitality industries. 

Without enough employees,  companies will only be able to complete a limited number of projects, robots are essentially not replacing individuals, not replacing employees, they are here to augment the people that are working. They are here to automate the mundane tasks that humans should not do! Check the video below and learn how. 


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Video transcript

Today I'm joined by Pepper, the humanoid robot and a delivery robot. We all heard about the labor shortages that are affecting every aspect of our country in our economy right now, especially when it comes to the service industry, the food, and the hospitality industry. They are really, really struggling to find employees that can actually host their customers, when they come to the restaurant when they walk into the hotel and deliver items to their table. If we are talking about the restaurant or their rooms, if you're talking about hotels or hospitals, these two robots can actually help you solve this labor shortage.


Pepper is an amazing customer service robot. It's really friendly, it's a human shape, it can track your visitors as they come to your restaurant or to your facility. It can talk to them about the available items, available services, available items on the menu, and basically introduce everyone to the content that we have. The robot as you can see here, can follow the customers, can follow individuals, can look around, figure out where the people are, and basically create this eye contact that is very, very important when we are talking to individuals, to people.

This is great work done by SoftBank Robotics on robot human-robot interaction. The robot comes with many, many skills. It can be a receptionist; it can provide all kinds of products and menu item presentations. It has a tablet, obviously, that you can present the items from your menu and can be really, really an engaging factor and a unique factor in your customer experience.

Delivery Robot

When it comes to delivering the products to the table, we have delivery robots that can actually take the items from the kitchen, from the back office to the customers wherever they are. If it's a table in the restaurant, if it's a room in a hotel or hospital, you can rely on one of these robots to actually take it there. The interface is very simple. Most of the communication with these robots will be done using voice there always provides instructions to the workers and to your customers on what to do.

This version specifically has an open-shelf arrangement. There is another version that has enclosed shelves, so if we want to keep the product warm or clean or hide products from other people, we can definitely do that. The robot can conserve both ways from kitchen or back office to the customers but also on the way back. If we want to take all the dirty dishes as an example at the restaurant and send them back to the kitchen. We don't need workers to do that, we can actually just load it on the robot and send it away, basically making the employees that we do have on hand much more efficient and much more effective.

So, robots are essentially not replacing individuals, not replacing employees, they are here to augment the people that are working. They are here to automate the mundane tasks that humans should not do. This is what we have to offer here. And I'm happy that Pepper is in agreement with me, she's nodding, and that's something that we really, really want to see helping you in your business in your environment. We have multiple versions of these robots.

Again, as I mentioned, the delivery robot can be all enclosed, opened, can interact with elevators. For example, if you're talking about larger spaces, Pepper comes in multiple versions. We have a version that can navigate, it can actually lead the customers to the table or be kind of like a tour guide in your facility. And we have another version that is more stationary. It can look around, it can move around like this one, but it won't go anywhere, it won’t navigate and find a location for your customers.

So, it really depends on your scenario in your case. If you're struggling to find employees that can do the work for you in your facility. Contact us, you have the details right here. We'll be more than happy to help you get now especially now that the economy is reopening, get back on track, and get your customers served. If you have any questions, if you need anything, don't hesitate to contact us. We'll be more than happy to help you and until then stay safe. Thank you for your time.


  • Apr 12, 2022 2:00:41 PM
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