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RobotLAB Blog

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The Nine Technologies of Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is the beginning of a new digital industrial technology era that is transforming systems, sensors, machines, workpieces and IT. Industry 4.0 is making it possible to gather and analyze data across machines - creating a more efficient process with these nine technologies:


Industry 4.0 goes beyond the basic idea of machine-to-machine communication. Facility components typically not regarded as “machines” can be wired up and treated as “machines” within the factory’s digital ecosystem. Some level of human input and customization is needed to power automation in manufacturing, however Industry 4.0 facilitates that. By using handheld technology like smartphones and tablets, supervisors can direct robotic activities and perform overrides using mainstream technology. 


Industry 4.0 represents a giant leap in the evolution of machines — an evolution that has already pioneered advances in productivity and quality of life over several hundred years. Today, our machines relate to each other, their physical environments, and most importantly, to people.

 How can you implement this technology in the classroom?

A great tool to prepare your students for this change is Dobot Magician, a truly cutting-edge robotic arm that is available for your STEAM or CTE program. It's a highly cost-effective solution empowering 21st century skills and unleashing students' creativity. Dobot integrates programming, mechanics, electronics, and automation. It’s a great STEAM teaching device that strengthens knowledge across multiple subjects with a high precision and user-friendly UI, enjoyable functions, and unlimited development possibilities. Dobot Magician brings Industry 4.0 and the new era to life for your students.


Stay tuned for more blog posts about the Industry 4.0 and learn about this amazing new digital era. 

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  • Mar 28, 2018 11:30:00 AM

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