Vectors are a simple concept that can be hard to apply in real life. Some teachers use examples with trains, braver/crazier teachers have explained vectors by instructing students to run at each other. Both examples are difficult for students to understand because it involves too many distracting variables to think about at once, especially if you now have a concussion. RobotsLAB simplifies this lesson using the RobotsLAB BOX.

The Mobot, pictured above, is a cylindrical robot with a wheel at each end. Placing the robot on its side (one wheel on the ground and the other in the air), you can demonstrate the concept of absolute velocity.

Screenshot of RobotsLAB BOX Absolute Velocity lesson. Wheel 1 = Veloctiy 1, Wheel 2 = Velocity 2. In the equation Vecolity 1 + Velocity 2 = Absolute velocity.
You can also demonstrate an absolute velocity of zero by having the wheels rotate at the same speed, but in opposite directions, while balancing the object on the top of wheel #2
You can also see the full lesson demonstration here:
This example from our lesson, Sum of Vectors presents the idea of absolute velocity in its purest form. Rather than using abstract ideas that may not be easily applied to real life, we simplify the concept while reinforcing students' learning with the unforgetable Mobot, I mean just look at that moustache!
For teachers who are not used to teaching lesson plans with a tablet and are still not sure how easy it will be to use, don’t worry, we’ve made it very easy to use and no robotics experience is necessary.
For more information about the Mobot or the RobotsLAB BOX and its other lesson plans, visit us at:
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