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My ARMBot won't connect with my tablet

How to connect the ARMBot to your tablet:

   #1 Make sure ARMBot is plugged in securely. Unlike the other robots in the RobotsLAB BOX, ARMBot needs to be connected to an outlet in order to work. The ARMBot uses the largest charger cable and power supply inside the Accessories Kit.

When securely plugged into a live outlet, a blue and red light should be illuminated in the base of the robot. If there is no light, check that all cords are firmly connected, and you may want to try more than one outlet if you’re having trouble. If your ARMBot is connected, powered, and lit up, and you still cannot connect, move to step two. 

   #2 Grab your tablet; from the tablet’s homescreen tap on the screen and drag/swipe to the left with your finger to reveal a second panel of apps. Click on the one labeled "Settings." 

     #3 In this new screen, the left side will now have a menu bar; click on "Bluetooth" and adjust the slider to read “On.” 

    #4 The right side of the screen will now have a panel titled "Bluetooth." Below “Bluetooth” is the list devices your tablet is currently connected to; look for the code BT-110v1.0.1 (this is the ARMBot's bluetooth code). If this code is not listed under "Paired Devices," click on the “search for devices” button in the upper right corner of the screen.

    #5 Allow your tablet a few moments to search for robots to talk to, and then a list of devices will appear. Select your ARMbot’s bluetooth code by tapping on its icon, and click the “Pair” button. You will then be asked for a password or PIN: Enter the numbers 0000 and click “Okay.”

   #6 Give the tablet a few moments and then double check that you are now paired; your ARMbot should appear under the Bluetooth devices your tablet is connected to. From here, you are connected to the ARMBot and free to begin teaching!

If this didn’t work, we are happy to help you personally. Give us a call or email us.

  • Jan 24, 2023 3:39:41 PM