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Download 2023 K-12 Catalog

What if I already have one of the robots?

It's always nice to find robotics fans! If you find yourself in the position of already owning some of the robots included in the BOX, you can control some of the robots you already own using our tablet and lessons,


we prefer you don't do that:

1. We want you and your team to focus on teaching, not connecting/disconnecting/hacking etc. Our goal is to make sure the lessons will be ready to run right out of the BOX.

2.    We've made some changes to the default firmware (software) that runs 2 of the robots (AR.Drone and Sphero).

3.    We partnered with the Mobot's manufacturer and totally modified the hardware, adding customized faceplates, bluetooth modules, a caster (and a moustache!), in order to meet the classroom needs

4.     The robotic arm is a unique product we've created from the ground up, to cover all the lessons our teachers recommended.

We're always happy to talk about pricing and packages, so drop us a line at sales@robotsLAB.com!

  • Jan 24, 2023 2:18:02 PM