40W CO2 Laser cutter & laser engraver helps transform your classroom by turning your vision into reality. Easy to use software - cut & engrave wood, leather, acrylic, glass, paper, cardboard, fabric, rubber and more! You’re your students create high value projects within minutes! 1-year warranty included.
Price: $7,990
Create your own maker-space with the state-of-the-art product and teach your students how to solve open-ended problems by creating their own models and prototypes.
Engineering, Robotics, Computer Science, Technology. Programming, Coding
1 Laser Cutter, 1 filtration unit and 1-year warranty included
1 Drone per 3 students
Middle School, High School, College, Museum, Library, Summer Camp
Grades 8+
Covering Robotics, Technology, Coding, programming
No training required – available as an option
1-year warranty
Price: $7,990
Price: $7,990