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7 Ways Artificial Intelligence Help Students Learn

The role of artificial intelligence in education is always a hot topic. While some fear that artificial intelligence will take over education to the detriment of students and teachers, others claim that artificial intelligence will revolutionize and improve education.

pexels-alex-knight-2599244Photo by Alex Knight from Pexels

While we’re far from seeing robots in the classroom, artificial intelligence is making its way into education. Certain tasks can be made easier through the use of artificial intelligence. Grading, for example, can be done quickly and easily using artificial intelligence. The most important way that education will transform education is by simply helping students to learn. In this piece, I will discuss 7 ways that artificial intelligence helps students learn.


Students can receive more personalized tutoring.

When your child fails to understand the material covered in the lesson, it can sometimes be a challenge to make sure they catch up. Our classrooms are oversized and children are lost in the shuffle. Parents may have a difficult time teaching the new standards expected of young children, particularly because they are so distant from their own elementary school days.

Artificial intelligence can fill in the gap with crowd-sourced tutoring from professionals and more advanced classmates. Students can avoid the shame and embarrassment of asking for excess assistance in front of their peers without sacrificing their grades and achievements. Tutoring is more accessible and affordable than ever before using these digitized programs.

The computer sets the perfect pace.

For years, qualified educators have known that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching a lesson. It’s nearly impossible to incorporate every possible learning style into each lesson while setting the perfect pace. Fast learners need to stay engaged while slow learners can’t be left behind. With the number of students increasing, the perfect pace is an elusive concept. Now, artificial intelligence can help to set the perfect pace for every student.

The individualized programs allow students to move on at their own rate. Particularly because the maturity levels and attention spans of elementary-aged students vary wildly, this gives children an ideal opportunity to explore academics at a comfortable speed. It is neither overwhelming nor frustrating for them to learn.

Technology can present material in understandable terms.

Students with learning disabilities often have a difficult time reading more advanced texts. They may not be able to follow complex sentence structures, or they could struggle with popular idioms found in the text itself. Scientists and researchers are molding artificial intelligence that can make these harder texts into more understandable resources. They might create a simpler sentence or replace popular quips with plainer alternatives. It should be a great way for students with learning disabilities to better relate to and engage with the material.

Artificial intelligence helps educators identify learning disabilities.

The first step in learning to work with these disabilities is identifying their presence in a student. Not all of the current testing methods are highly effective at pinpointing learning disabilities like dyslexia or dyscalculia. New artificial intelligence systems are being developed to help teachers administer more effective testing that could uncover some of these often-hidden conditions. Once they can be properly identified, educators can tap into the resources available for a learning disability.

Students can use AI to give reliable feedback.

One of the most prominent issues with teaching students who have a learning disability is the inability to provide consistent feedback. In a large classroom setting, it can be a challenge to slow down to help a handful of students. With artificial intelligence rapidly developing, students can receive more reliable feedback directly related to their own performance. The system won’t move on until students demonstrate mastery of the concept, and it allows them to work through the material at their own pace if necessary.

Educators can have more data.

The numbers rarely lie when it comes to determining classroom success. With the advent of artificial intelligence, educators have more access than ever before to a variety of data that can assist them in identifying student weaknesses. This data may reveal areas where teaching isn’t effective or subjects where the majority of students are struggling. It also gives educators a better glimpse at how students with learning disabilities are truly doing in comparison to their peers.

Making education global.

Thanks to artificial education, students now have the ability to learn anywhere, anytime. This means that if a student has to miss school for personal or medical reasons, they can easily stay caught up with the school work via artificial education software. Students also have the ability to learn from anywhere in the world, making higher quality education for rural students and those in low economic areas accessible and affordable.

With the help of AI, students can learn more from home and come to the classroom with a set of core competencies that teachers can then build on. Artificial education is leveling the playing field of education for students across the globe and giving those without access to quality education equal opportunities.


While artificial intelligence and education may seem like a futuristic invention, it’s present in our lives and education systems today. With the help of artificial education, we can make both students’ and teachers’ lives easier. Artificial education gives every student the opportunity to receive a quality education, and individualizes learning.


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  • Sep 23, 2020 8:00:00 AM

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