Have you used the cool new features of the revamped and upgraded Cubelets app yet? The app was designed not only to be another fun way students can play with Cubelets, but a learning experience where they can manipulate software before moving on to writing their own code.
Connecting to the app is easy! First, download the app onto any Bluetooth® enabled wireless device running iOS, Android, ChromeOS, or FireOS. Then, make sure your Cubelets robot is wearing a Bluetooth Hat. Hold the device close to the Bluetooth Hat for automatic pairing.Once you are paired with your robot construction, explore the map! Use the Remote Control feature to make a DriveBot speed away or check out the Personality Swaps™ to create all-new behaviors!
For more information on the Cubelets app download please download this PDF
Why Cubelets?
Cubelets are magnetic robot blocks that can be snapped together to make an end less variety of robots with no programming and no wires. You can build robots that drive around on a tabletop, respond to light, sound, and temperature, and have surprisingly lifelike behavior.
Develop Problem-Solving skills and Computational Thinking. Sparkt he next generation of innovators by introducing procedural thinking, cause and effect, decomposition of complex tasks, pattern recognition and the ability to notice similarities or common differences, abstraction and algorithm design and the ability to develop a step- by -step strategy for solving a problem, all using Cubelets robots.
For building big imaginations
By harnessing their natural curiosity, Cubelets have helped thousands and thousands of children learn vital skills. More than just coding; Cubelets help teach foundational behaviors like problem-solving, persistence, and communication while building robots!
Easy to use
You don’t need to know how to code or wire to construct robots with Cubelets. Snap the robot blocks together and the magnetic faces do the rest. Every unique arrangement is a new robot with novel behaviors emerging from the construction. Invention made easy.
Curriculum included
We have a spectrum of fully developed lesson plans and activities for teachers of all types. Developed in conjunction with educators in the field, these classes have been tested and optimized to impart critical STEM lessons.
Want to discover more about Cubelets and different kits?
Check our products page and start your Cubelets lessons with RobotLAB and our learning Platform EngageK12!