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6 Tools to Manage Remote Learning

Given that social distancing is in effect due to the COVID-19 situation, exploring remote learning management systems (LMS) for your child is a great idea. Likewise, teachers and school administrators looking for ways to alleviate the situation and enhance their K-12 and academic students’ experience can take advantage of LMS.


According to Tech Jury, 43% of US college students found digital study technologies extremely helpful for doing home-based projects. In addition, 81% of students have agreed that digital learning was helpful in improving their overall grades, further adding to the positive effects of LMS. That being said, what are some of the top-performing, high-quality and affordable LMS solutions for your students in 2020?

By Daniela McVicker

  1. Adobe Captivate Prime 

When it comes to academia and college education, the tools dedicated to K-12 students sometimes won’t cut it. However, enterprise-level LMS solutions such as Adobe Captivate Prime are there to help students and professors during uncertain social distancing times.

Adobe Captivate Prime is an LMS solution with AI-based social learning features which revolve around collaboration and teamwork. Likewise, it offers an array of skill development and training tools for professors to take advantage of in enabling their students to perform better post-graduation. While it may be too complex for elementary and high-school level remote learning, Adobe Captivate Prime is a prime (pun intended) example of academic-level LMS.

  1. RobotLab

 Artificial intelligence and robotics have come a long way from their inception as an idea penned by Isaac Asimov. As such, their inclusion in K-12 and academic education can ensure that students are fully prepared for a modern, technology-centric job market. Enter RobotLab, an LMS solution with a wide range of features for different student profiles and academic profiles.

RobotLab bases its extensive portfolio on real-world application of educational robots which can enable students to develop relevant skills in a practical manner. Likewise, RobotLab features COVID-19 health robots which can be deployed in classrooms in order to ensure safety and hygiene for the duration of practical exercises. If AI and robotics development fits into your remote learning needs, RobotLab is certainly a worthwhile solution.

  1. Talent LMS

 Sometimes, all you really need is a quick-and-easy way to communicate with your students and manage their homework projects in a cloud-based environment. Talent LMS is a simple yet efficient remote learning platform with a variety of user-friendly quality of life features.

The platform features responsive design, mobile-enabled access and visual customization options which will allow you to make any modifications necessary for the custom remote learning process. Likewise, its seamless blend of learning, communication and collaboration between classroom members will ensure that your remote learning goes on without a hitch.

  1. Google Classroom

 Falling back on a familiar brand name can be a good thing in uncertain times such as these. Speaking of, Google has enabled teachers and students to conduct daily remote learning activities via its Google Classroom platform. The strength of Google Classroom lies in its versatile cloud-synch between different tools under Google’s name.

Google Docs, G Mail and Google Calendar are only some of the platforms teachers can combine when it comes to remote teaching of their students. In addition, checking out a top websites page when it comes to class preparation and content writing will enhance the process of using Google Classroom. If the majority of your students (and yourself) are already familiar with Google’s services, this might be a good LMS to check out.

  1. Blackboard Learn

 Ease of access and user-friendly UI is what many teachers are on the lookout for when it comes to remote learning. That being said, Blackboard Learn is an intuitive and approachable remote learning management solution for K-12 and academic students alike.

The platform is mobile-friendly and offers a range of import/export options for the sake of sharing files or collaborating on different media types. Blackboard Learn, based on its namesake, also offers unique screen-sharing utility which allows teachers to demonstrate various activities or showcase presentations to their student bodies. The tool is highly accessible and takes very little to set up properly before it enables you to manage remote students in an intuitive manner.

  1. Docebo

 Lastly, it’s important to encourage collaboration between students, whether K-12 or academic, due to the nature of the post-graduation job market. Docebo is an LMS solution built with interactivity and teamwork first-and-foremost, allowing teachers to deploy custom-made study materials in a remote learning environment.

The platform supports over 40 languages, is native to iOS and Android, and allows for unlimited data storage for your convenience. Docebo is a highly customizable and open-ended LMS with student tracking and evaluation functionality in addition to a list of various third-party integration solutions. If personalized, collaborative remote learning is something you wish to provide to your students, Docebo is the place to do just that.

To Each His Own (Conclusion)

It’s easy to look at the current COVID-19 crisis as a major setback on a global level when it comes to education for future generations. Instead, let’s make the most of it and learn how to adapt via LMS and remote platforms which are ripe for implementation and continued education.

Make sure to explore and test out different LMS solutions and their business models before you settle for the right choice for your student body. Once you settle for a platform which suits your teaching style and your students’ digital habits, remote learning will quickly become second nature.

Keep learning about coding and programming during COVID-19 with RobotLAB and CoderZ!


CoderZ is an online educational environment that improves students 21st century skills, while they are having fun programming their own virtual cyber robot. CoderZ and RobotLAB has different lessons to do at home!  Check them out Here

Author’s bio. Daniela McVicker is a freelance writer, blogger, and contributor to Topwritersreview. She graduated from Durham University and has an MA in psychological science. Her passion is traveling and finding ways to enrich students’ learning experiences.


  • May 25, 2020 10:00:00 AM

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